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Majlis Maulidurrasul 1444H
Oktober ini, insyaAllah Masjid An-Nahdhah akan mengadakan Majlis Maulidurrasul buat tahun 1444H. Seperti tahun-tahun yang lepas, marilah ambil peluang ini untuk memperingati Rasulullah s.a.w dengan bacaan selawat, zikir dan Qasidah yang mengasyikkan.
πMajlis akan diadakan pada:
π Sabtu, 8 Oktober 2022
π Selepas Solat Magrhib
π Dewan Utama Masjid
Majlis akan dipimpin oleh Asatizah dan Imam Bilal Masjid An-Nahdhah.
Ayuhlah sama-sama kita ambil kesempatan ini untuk memperbanyakkan selawat ke atas Baginda s.a.w.

Sempena program Sembang Rohani, Masjid An-Nahdhah akan mengadakan Qiyamullail! Ia akan diikuti dengan kuliah subuh.
Ahad minggu ni, 28 Ogos 2022 Qiyamullail akan dipimpin oleh Ustaz Hanan Farihin dan kuliah subuh akan disampaikan oleh Ustaz Drs Ahmad Dahri.
Qiyamullail akan bermula jam 4.15 pagi.
Semua Jemaah dipersilakan hadir.
Insyaallah makanan akan disediakan.π

Quran For You: Animals Series
School holidays are heree! Want your kids to learn the stories of animals that are mentioned in the surahs of the Quran? What are the lessons they can benefit from the mentioned animals?
Join our December holiday programme Quran For You, this time with the topic 'Animals Series' now!

ADIL - Stories of the Prophets
3 Nov - 1 Dec 2021 (5 sessions)
Among the various stories of the prophets mentioned in the Quran, there are those who showed extraordinary amount of patience and perseverance while facing Godβs trials and tribulation in life. These prophets are called the Ulul Azmi or Arch-Prophets. They are prophet Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa & Muhammad.
Here is your chance to study the different trials faced by them, how they overcome the challenges, and how we can learn to apply its lesson in our daily lives living in the context Singapore with Ustaz Khairi Nazron in our next ADIL programme: Stories of the Prophet (Lessons From The Life Of The Ulul Azmi) every Wednesday, 8-10pm starting 3 November 2021!"

Anniversary Talkshow
Mari sama-sama bersantai bersama Ustaz Mohamed Tajuddin Noor & Ustaz Luqman Hakim Roslan esok jam 8 malam dalam talkshow Anniversary An-Nahdhah yang ke-15 sambil mengimbau kembali kenangan-kenangan terindah bersama tetamu-tetamu istimewa kami! π

Majlis Khatam Perdana (Sempena Ulangtahun An-Nahdhah yang ke-15)
Ayuh ikuti kami dalam Majlis Khatam Perdana yang ke-18 sempena Ulangtahun An-Nahdhah yang ke-15, esok jam 9.45 pagi!
Nantikan juga persembahan nasyid dari @munawwarinyouth & ucapan istimewa dari pelajar aLIVE An-Nahdhah π

ADIL - The Living Sources
5-26 October 2021 (4 sessions)
Al-Quran and As-Sunnah are the two everlasting legacies left by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. in providing the eternal guidance to humanity. Through the study of the Al-Quran, students will be introduced on ways to appreciate the specialty of Al-Quran β the sacred words of Allah that are well preserved today and acknowledge the importance of As-Sunnah as the foundation of Islamic knowledge.
Here is your chance to join Ustaz Fizar Zainal in our next ADIL programme: The Living Sources (Introduction to Al-Quran & As-Sunnah) every Tuesday, 8-10pm starting 5 October 2021!

Building a Stronger Family
Learn basic family management based on Islamic Fiqh perspective to build a stonger family.
Join Ustaz Khalid Rafi in our next ADIL programme: Building A Stronger Family (Family Matters in Islamic Fiqh Perspective) every Monday, 8-10pm starting 6 September.

Awal Muharram Talkshow
"Apakah itu Muharram dan Asyura?"
"Apa yg patut kita buat masa bulan Muharram?"
"Apa kebaikan Muharram?"
Ikuti talkshow petang ini bersama Ustaz Tajuddin Noor dan Ustaz Luqman Hakim dengan topik "Di Antara Azam & Tawakkal"

Kesedihan & Penderitaan
Peserta dapat mempelajari erti & tujuan kehidupan, erti serenar kebahagiaan, sebab-sebab Allah SWT menguji hambanya dan cara-cara terbaik untuk mengharungi cabaran dalam hidup ini.